Sagarites won various medals in Inter-School Skating Competition held at International Public School
Anvay Yadav (Class VI D and Sanchit Rollyan (Class VIII D) have received the third prize in the State Level Camp of VVM under the (Segment VI to VIII)
Sagarites won various medals in Sub Junior & Cadet JUDO State Level Championship 2024-25 in Indore
Sagarites won various medals in SGFI kurash National level competition at Raipur
Lakshya Raj Singh Thakur and Shriyansh Ansingkar (Class XI D) bagged Second Position in Bhopal Vigyan Mela under the Senior Category (IX-XII) for their innovative project AMCERD-F
Sagarites won various medals in Singing competition in Van Mela
Sagarites won various medals in Instrumental competition in Van Mela
Sagarites won in ICONIC CUP BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT (U12 Boys category)
Netanya Nigam (Class I) won in GEMA International Student Speaker Competition
Shreya Choudhary (X A) won Bronze medal in SGFI JUDO State Level Competition
Sagarites won various medals in Balrang
Manavi Khakre (III D) secured First position in the 5th 5k marathon of the year 2024
Sagarites won various medals in the SGFI Kurash State Level Competition
First runner-up team at Xav's Literature Fest, 2024 in the Dance Drama Competition
Two projects AIO Smart Crutch and Agniveer presented at CBSE Science Exhibition Indore reached at National level
Yati Sharma (IV D) won two Silver medals in the SGFI State Level Roller Skating Championship
Sagarites clearing CLAT 2024
Viaan Upadhyay(IV F) won bronze medal at State Level Karate Championship
Himank (class VIII) and Bhoomika (Class VII) won Gold & Bronze medals in State Level Rollball Championship
Prisha Mishra(I F) and Ved Prashant Jaju(II F) bagged first prize at Inter-SPS Spellathon
Vaishnavi Singh-Class XI bagged the first prize in painting competition during the ongoing Van Mela - Herbal Fair
Vaidik Gupta and Aarush Nag (Class Vlll) got selected for State level Inspire Manak Awards 2022-23
Yati Sharma of III D won 2 silver medals in the 67th SGFI State Roller Skating Championship and got selected for National
Apoorva Jha was felicitated by Prof HC Pradhan, Former Senior Professor and Centre Director, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education for securing 4 silver medals in International Astronomy Quiz
Netra Shrivastava won first prize in Bharatnatyam at State level Bal Rang Competition
Yashika Wadhwani (class VII) won III prize at State level Bal Rang Competition in Debate Category
Ayush Tripathi (class VIII) won II prize at State level Bal Rang Competition in Debate Category
CBSE State Level Science Exhibition-Rounak Rai & Kshitij Shukla's project got selected for National
Anjanay Sharma of VII D is selected for both Under 13 and Under 15 Bhopal Division Cricket Association camp
Sagarites won overall championship trophy at DPS Extra Quadrata v2.0
Arav Sabnis, Kenisha Rastogi, Lakshya Raj Singh of X B and Shreyash Ansingkar of X D bagged I prize in Technovate at DPS Extra Quadrata
Manan Sharma and Kshitij Patel of IX D bagged II prize in Filmskiping at DPS Extra Quadrata
Kuhu Singh of VIII E bagged II prize in Esthetique Art at DPS Extra Quadrata
Apoorva Jha and Atharv Tiwari of X D bagged I prize in Scio at DPS Extra Quadrata
Sagarites won 4 Bronze medals in CBSE National Judo Championship 2023
Anahita Chaturvedi (class VIII) represented MP in National level Inspire awards project exhibition held in Delhi
Sagarites of class XI (Commerce) bagged I prize in IPER UG Annual Inter-School Business Competition
Diya Mishra of XI C won I prize in Haka Utsav under instrumental category and got selected for State level
Vaishnavi Singh of XI A won I prize in drawing competition in Kala Utsav and got selected for State
Adhira Shrivastava of V D won III prize in drawing competition at Van Vihar
Aishwarya Kumar of IX A won I prize in a bird photography competition at Van Vihar
DPS WOW Literature Fest- Vivian Dubey, Aditi Payasi won 2 prize, Sharanya Shrivastava,, Avni Shrivastava, Arpita Pathak, Aayush Tripathi, Swastik Choudhary, Aradhya Suryanshi won III prize
Apoorv Jha of class X D won 4 silver medals in International Earth Science Olympiad @Prithvi Bhawan, New Delhi
Abhishree Raghuwanshi of 7B won Silver medal @State Level SGFI Football competition.
SGFI State Level Kurash- Gold medal won by - Ananya Mehta of VIII D, Shristi Giri of IX A, Yashashvi Pandey of IX C, Tammana Negi of VIII E, Silver medal won by - Shachi Singh of IX B, Vansh Gupta of
IES INFOSPARK 2K23-Lakshya Agrawal(VIIB) and Aarav Yadav(VIIE) bagged II prize in Flyer Making, Reyansh Gupta(VIIC),Pratham Patel(VIC),Anagh Awasthi(VB) bagged III prize in quiz competition.
Sagarites won 4 gold, 5 silver and 8 bronze medals in 9th Sub Junior State Kurash Championship
Vaishnavi Rai of VIII-A won III prize in Painting competition organized by Van-Vihar National on the occasion of the International Tiger Day
Ahana Shukla (XI B) represented winning Indian team in the Indo Nepal International Women's Direct Volleyball Championship in June 2023 at Pokhara, Nepal
Anshika Sharma of IX C won Bronze Medal in State Level Cadet Judo Championship 2023-24
Bhavishya Singh Bisht of XI A won Bronze Medal in State Level Cadet Judo Championship 2023-24
Winners @ 2nd Shrawan Kanta District Level Badminton Tournament
Second Prize @ Zonal Level Robotics Competition Organised by IIT Mumbai
Vaishnavi Singh of class XI A bagged consolation prize in a painting competition at Gandhi Bhavan on the occasion of Earth Day
Apoorva Jha and Atharv Tiwari of 10D won first prize in Web Weaver at Sanskaar Tech Fest 8.0
Apoorva Jha(10D),Atharv Tiwari(10D),Ajant Surve(9B) won first prize in Quiz at Sanskaar Tech Fest8.0
Reyansh Gupta(7C),Aamish Condil(8B),Aryan Upadhyay(8C) won III prize in Quiz at Sanskaar Tech Fest 8.0
Sagarites receive medals and cash prizes at zonal level Science, Maths and English olympiad
Animesh Shukla(VII E) won 2 bronze in the Bhopal District Shi-Go-Sho-wa Kai Inter School Karate Championship
JEE Mains 2023
Yuval Aakarsh Verma of IX-D secured II position at State Level and selected for Nationals in Vidyarathi Vigyan Manthan
Anumeh Jain of VII -D secured third position at State level of Vidyarathi Vigyan Manthan
Vivan Dixit(VII D) and Rohan Jacob Thomas(VIII D) won Annual Science Quiz 2022-23@Regional Science Centre
Yuval Aakarsh Verma(IX D) and Sagar Nigam(X B) secured the runners up position in Annual Science Quiz 2022-23@Regional Science Centre
SPS Rohit Nagar won Runner up trophy in the Inter School Micromini Cricket Tournament
Apoorva Jha (IX-D) won First Prize in the Science Quiz Competition held at MANIT Bhopal
Shivansh Juneja-Best fielder, Man of the Match in Inter School Micromini Cricket Tournament
Krishna Agrawal-Best Bowler, Man of the Match in Inter School Micromini Cricket Tourmenament
II prize in Shodh Shikhar, a competition for Science research projects and ideas organized by Rabindranath Tagore University
SGFI State level Futsal - Boys team won gold medal, Girls team won silver medal
Students secured Ist position in the state level of National Children Science Congress
Pradakshina Bhatt (class IX) bagged First Prize in a music competition @ Kala utsav
Advika Nayak Won First Prize@Van Vihar Bhopal on MP Sthapana Diwas
Atharv Tiwari @ National Level-'Building Al Readiness among Young Innovators' (INSPIRE-MANAK)
WInners of State Level Kurash Sub Junior
Winners@ SGFI Badmintom Tournament
Winner @ SGFI Table Tennis Tournament
Winner @ District Level Sub Junior Badminton Tournament
Silver medal @ State Level Lawn Tennis Competition
Incredible Achievement @ Youth Ideathon
First Runner Up @ Curo Quiz 2022